Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Post #4: Is Beowulf selfish in his hunger for fame?

Consider what Beowulf has amazingly accomplished! What feats! He is quite the
boaster as well, isn't he? Think about what he says about fame: "...fame after death is the noblest of goals" (1388-1389), as well as what the poet writes about him: "But Beowulf longed only for fame, leaped back into battle" (1529-1531).

Do you think Beowulf is selfish in his desire for fame? Justify your decision
in one - two insightful paragraphs. Incorporate text (cite line numbers). Due
Sun., 12/13, by midnight. 15 pts.

PS - Yes, for those of you paying attention, this was one of your questions that most of you completed in your notebooks...you can use what you have and maybe develop it a bit! (Thanks, Max)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Check out classmates' posts!

Your fellow classmates have written some interesting things about their cover choices! Please take a few moments, scroll down past some Frankie pictures to both classes' blog links, and read at least two, and then post a comment (at least two sentences) on each. Just click on any two students in period 4 and/or period 7, read, and then click on "comment" at the bottom of the post. Follow the steps and be sure that your comment is posted! 5 pts each comment; due by Friday, Nov. 20.

Don't forget about your vocabulary quiz (from The Fifth Child) on Wed., Nov. 18.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To Be the Best Cover or Not?! (Your 3rd Post!)

Peruse the four different covers for The Fifth Child - over to the left...hmmm. Which do you feel is the best fit for this story? Justify your choice in one lengthy paragraph, incorporating at least one textual passage from Lessing's book. Be sure to cite properly (Lessing 35).
15 pts; due by Sunday, Nov. 15th GO JETS!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

And Ben is born...

You should read through to the top of page 61 ("Bridget went away, and never came back.") for Monday, Nov. 2. In your notebooks, reflect on what you think the author's main purpose is in writing this book.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The "Picture-Perfect" Family...

In your notebooks for Thursday, Rock-tober 29, explain how society defines/describes the "picture-perfect" family. Then, discuss how you define/describe the "picture-perfect" family. List your thoughts, or write out in complete sentences.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Frankie Post #2 and Gothic/Rom. Vocab. Poem!

By this point you should have read over Stephen Witty's article, "183 years after its literary birth, Mary Shelley's monster lives on." Your second post should be a personal reaction to what C. Schildt states what Mary Shelley was really writing about (bottom left of back page). Incorporate a textual passage from the article as well as a textual passage from the novel (quote and cite). Length: 2 paragraphs; 15 pts; due by Wed., Rock-tober 21 - midnight...muh ha ha! (do you hear the monster in me? :))

Hopefully you are ardently working on your vocabulary that you have culled or gleaned from the novel, and are starting to gather up ideas for your poem. Please do not wait until the last minute to get this done. Again, you have until Mon., Rock-tober 26th! You really do not want to hear the monster in me!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nice job with the debate about creating a "bride"!

Well done, juniors! I have really enjoyed watching you debate this very controversial topic. You have been thoughtful, insightful, mature, and persuasive.

Continue to read - chs. 20 - 21, log #7, and voc. due Fri., 10/9. Find out if Victor holds up his end of the bargain!!! Uh - oh...and please finish the book and the logs by Tuesday, 10/13.

Remember, your first post should be done by this weekend - let me know if you have any problems getting onto your blog. The explanation for your post is on the Blog direction/info sheet given to you when you created it, as well as down below in an earlier post of mine.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Frankenstein...some bloody, horrific updates!!!

1. Continue to read...and be horrified! You should be through the creature's narration (chs. 11 - 16) for Thurs., Rock-tober 1st. Log #5 and some vocab. are due then!

2. Mary Shelley's Reaction to Hollywood - paper is due any time this week. Be sure to use MLA format (upper left - your name, my name, class, date/ctr title/pg 2 and consecutive pgs - last name and pg # in upper right).

3. Have you thought of a ghost story yet? A frightening experience to share with us?
4. What will Victor do next?? Will he comply with the creature's request for a bride?!! Find out...read chapters 17 - 19, do log #6, and write down some challenging vocab. for Tues., Rock-tober 6th.
5. Continue to personalize your blog - and complete Post #1 (explained on the blog sheet that you have...basically, your own reaction to reading this horror novel thus far...bring in text and peruse some websites about controversial topics that are connected...be sure to give credit to the site)...due anytime next week (by Rock-tober 9th).
6. Finish up finding the answers to the questions given to you in the lab the other day. Maybe some of those websites will offer you some food for thought for your Post #1.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Post #5 - Overall Reaction?

Please write up an overall reaction to Lord of the Flies. This should be one - two paragraphs in length, and 1 - 2 textual passages from the novel should be incorporated. What do you think Golding's overall purpose is? Due by midnight, Thursday, May 7th (15 pts)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

William Golding's Life...Post #4

Please click on the following link http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/wgolding.htm and
read about Sir William Golding and his works. Visit http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1983/golding-bio.html as well - go to "Presentation Speech" off to the right. Peruse; read paragraph 3. Write up a one-two paragraph post on how his life experiences influenced his most famous novel, Lord of the Flies. Incorporate text from the websites (be sure to cite correctly - authors' names are at the bottom of the first one; at the top of the second) as well as text from the novel (again, cite correctly!).
Due over vacation; no later than Sun., 4/19 - 15 pts.

Sir William Golding, 1983 Poet Laureate

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Your Secret Sharer?

Hi, everyone! I am home with a sick daughter :( so sorry I can't be there with you. Please click on this link: http://www.noogenesis.com/game_theory/johari/johari_window.html and read about the Johari Window - a window of self-awareness. Take your time understanding each of the four quadrants, and take some notes in reference to yourself. For that which is hidden, discuss if you do indeed keep things hidden - maybe even from yourself?! For that which is unknown, obviously, it is unknown, but comment on what the unknown could possibly be for you - we've talked about attempting to decipher your own dreams. What about your nightmares?? Hmmm - this could be very interesting!

After you have read through the entire Johari Window and reflected on yourself and each quadrant, please complete a post about it on your blog. This will be Post #3 and will be worth 20 pts. Separate each window discussion into separate paragraphs. You should have enough time to complete this today in class! Pds 4 and 7 - share computers if there are not enough.

Don't forget - your papers on Chaucer and his Retraction are due Thursday. Discuss why he would write this, and how it squares with all that you have come to know about him through reading his work and viewing the film A Knight's Tale. Be sure to incorporate at least 2 - 3 textual references! Quote it - cite it! (1 1/2 - 2 pgs, typed, dbl sp.; 65 pts)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Post #2 - A tale to read on your own...

Hopefully by now you have either started reading a tale that we did not cover, or have finished reading one. Your second post will be a discussion of this tale; a reaction, an analysis, etc. - please incorporate some text (quote and cite pg #) into your one lengthy paragraph discussion. (15 pts)

This is due by midnight on St. Patrick's Day!! Tuesday, March 17th

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More great storytelling!

Imagine being married off at age 12, and then moving on to marry four more times. Whew! Wouldn't you have a lot of advice to offer? Please read Chaucer's description of the Wife of Bath(pages 10 and then 388); her Prologue to her tale (pages 166 - 183); and then her tale (pages 184 - 192). Again, think about how her character is reflected in the tale she tells. Please answer the questions distributed in class as well. Due Monday, Feb. 23

Friday, February 13, 2009

Enjoy one of the best storytellers England has ever produced!!

Now that you have enjoyed (and hopefully not offended by) Chaucer's "Miller's Tale," please read about the Reeve - he is described in the Gen. Prologue on page 13 (and 392, in the original!) and the prologue to his tale starts on page 81, with his tale following. He is quite upset at the Miller's drunken offensiveness! He feels that the Miller has made a fool of carpenters, and since he is a carpenter by trade, his tale is retaliation! Please read and complete the questions for Wednesday, Feb. 18. Enjoy!
PS - Remember, it is a storytelling contest! You can be the judge as well!